
Meet Thomas M. Harding

Thomas comes to the acting world bringing the passion found in a new actor embodied by a depth that can only be bestowed by one who has led a beautifully full life while thirsting for more. Recent to the community of actors he’s fervently writing a second chapter in an adventurous life. Born in New Jersey in his early teens he’d spend weekends at the movies or taking the train to The City sneaking into CBGB’s with an ID attained from a very different Times Square. He found a passion for entertainment and creating it.

In his late teens he embarked flying lessons and was instantly smitten. Many journeys and decades later he was fortunate to retire early from one dream as a Captain for a major airline based in New York. Through those years he enriched his life experience with love, family, travel and everything that entails. All this allows him to bring characters alive in ways that only one who has truly lived life can.

In very little time Thomas has set out and achieved great success earning a spot in SAG-AFTRA. Through great dedication and hard work, he has taken acting head on via numerous classes and coaches in the many aspects of on camera acting. This earned him a place on set at many sound stages throughout New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland as well as quite a few location shoots. While aiming on a featured presence he’s shared screen time with a few notable A listers on productions for ABC, NBC, CNN, HBO, Starz, Hulu and The Hallmark Channel.

When not on set, in class or reading for Casting Directors Thomas enjoys down time with his family and dogs out touring or at the shore body surfing, boating or bouncing around in the family dune buggy. Come join him online, on set or just out for some fun. You’ll be glad you did!